
This section says " About "  . About me or about Food Vishesham ?

Let's begin with Food Vishesham first. If you are here to get a detailed recipe of any dish with the exact measurements, you may not be in the right place. Unfortunately, accurate measurements are just not my thing.

Everyone has their own likes and dislikes when it comes to taste, so, you may have to play around with the ingredients a little here and there with the measurements to get the taste that you and family would enjoy. I have tried my best to give the approximate measurements of the ingredients used.

Like most of the food bloggers, I am a foodie and I enjoy great food especially when its home-cooked.

What made me start a blog?

I was lucky to grow up eating my mom's home-cooked meals. I loved it more than any restaurant food I have eaten. My mother is so happy when she cooks and is more happy to see us or the guests enjoy her food. I used to run home from school because "every-every-every"single day I had a tasty and variety homecooked meal waiting for me after school.

Mummy used to even feed me with her hand rice, morr, fish curry and thoren, which has always been my favorite. It tasted extra special when she fed me with her hands. How I miss those days!

When I had my lovely kids, I wanted to give them the same experience. Wherever they are to come home to some love and homecooked meals. I never got an opportunity to actually enjoy cooking until I became a stay home mom.

One day, if I am not around and my darling J, K or little K misses their amma's food, I want them to come here and find what they are looking for and recreate it for their family.

When we moved to the UK I got lucky to stay home with kids and had plenty of time to research different recipes. I had some great friends who shared the same passion as I so enjoyed talking on the phone for hours with them about new recipes and anything related to the kitchen, sometimes kitchen utensils, sometimes it would be sharing pics of our new serve wares or bake wares and what not!

Every time I cooked something good, even before the idea of blogging had conceived in my head, I kept clicking pictures of the food and would drool over them later on the days that I felt lazy to cook. We moved a lot - within the country, between countries and so on. So we had this packing and unpacking drama going on. Any time I couldn't find one of my handwritten recipe books, I remember my heart nearly coming to a stop.

So then I decided to put it all together along with pictures to be easily accessed anytime, and before I knew it there was my Foodvishesham Facebook page, Twitter and blog ... :-)

I have recipes shared by friends, youtube, books and more than anything and anyone else, my darling amma is my inspiration and I believe I have given them all due credit in the blog.

About me: I am right now a stay home mom. I have 3 wonderful kids and feel so blessed to have an awesome husband, who supports me in everything I do. Thanking Lord for this beautiful family HE has gifted me with.

I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and that He is the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE. 
I was saved by grace on November 26th, 1995. 

My Prayer : One thing I ask of the LORD, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of theLORD all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD and to seek him in his temple.

Well, this is how much  simple and transparent I could make the about me section.

I hope you enjoy this journey with me.


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