Sunday, January 1, 2017

Flaky biscuits with chicken filling

This one reminds me of the chicken puffs I used to enjoy when I was in Kerala. Anytime I visited a Bakery, I always made sure to have one of these. Anns and Jocees were always my favorite, also enjoyed some from Best Bakery. Can't wait to eat some of those when I visit next time. 

You can try different fillings for these biscuits. I did it with chicken and this is how I made it.

Ingredients :

Onion - 1 small
Ginger garlic paste - 1/2 teaspoon
Red chili powder - 1/2 teaspoon
Tomato - 1 medium- chopped small
Hot Buffalo Sauce  - 5-6 splashes
Tomato Ketchup - 3-4 tablespoons
Chicken breast/thighs boneless - cooked with salt and pepper and then shredded
Cheese - shredded ( optional) [ I used parmesan, that was the only one I had]
1 Jumbo can of Flaky biscuit dough

Butter melted - to brush over the biscuits when its taken out of the oven.


Keep the cooked shredded chicken aside.
Saute the onions, ginger garlic paste in oil, until the raw smell goes.
Then add the chopped tomatoes and let them cook.
Add the sauces.
Add the shredded chicken and mix well.
Check the taste, adjust by adding salt or sauce to suit your taste.
Slice each of the biscuit dough in half and add the filling to it.
Follow the instructions on the biscuit can. Bake at 375 - 400 F for 15 minutes, till you see the biscuit is cooked.

Enjoy it hot.

Taking down christmas decorations is emotionally nerve wrecking for me for several reasons, first being the christmas hols come to an end and life falls back to normal routine...😢 , next reason, kids get older every year , thank God I don't age 😇. This time we had to open all the gifts by December 22nd, because my little K who is 3 would not stop rolling on the floor till I let her open the gifts five minutes after I put them under the, then, I let the other sweetie pies in the house open theirs too. Lesson learnt - next time definitely the gifts go under the tree only on 24th evening after she is gone to bed... so, this way the kids have gifts to open on 25th morning. 

The girls felt Santa was bored alone, so let Lissy and Sasha, their dolls give company to Santa 😉
(P.S. they know there is no Santa and he is not real, a good friend gave this guy to the kids and we just put him next to the tree to add some color ;) 

 So, what makes this " taking down christmas decorations " less painful and less emotionally stressful is eating some comfort food. :-), thats when I decided to try this one.

We also had some Ethekka Appam ( Pazham Poree/ Banana Fritters) and Cutlets to munch while taking the lights down ....

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