Sunday, May 29, 2016

Memorial Day Weekend !

What an awesome Sunday it was ! Celebrating Memorial Day weekend !!! Had a wonderful service at church remembering the troop who gave their lives for the peace of this beautiful country and their families who made great sacrifice, remembered how Christ gave HIS life for everyone and took the punishment upon himself, so that we may have eternal life And after church, headed for lunch to my friend G's place. A beautiful BBQ with some wonderful friends, made it all the more beautiful .

Yay !!! look at those colors, so apt for the Memorial Day !

G put together a refreshing drink for us, it was something that came to her mind on the spur of moment.
She had some pineapples that weren't too sweet. So what do you when you have pineapples that aren't too sweet ? Make them sweet !!! How ???? G threw some chopped pineapple, vanilla ice-cream, nectar and some ice into the vitamix blender, and out came a beautiful pineapple -icecream shake !!!! That was such a good one....hmmmm... Here 's the pic

Here are some other pics of the food we enjoyed....We had some yummy pork ribs, chicken, hotdogs, corn, burgers ...hmmmm....

Those caramelized onions on the burgers were absolutely fantastic and gave the burger a whole different taste. I'm definitely going to do it next time.

Lot of fun, laughter, songs and good food made this a beautiful day to be remembered !!!

Happy Memorial Day !

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