Monday, April 18, 2016



Cucumaber (Vellarikka) - 150 gm
Snake gourd ( Padavelenga)  - 150 gm
Runner Beans (Achenga Payar) - 4-5
Drumsticks (Muringakka ) - 2
Carrots - 2
Yam ( Chayna) - 100 gm
Chow Chow - 1
Potato - 1
Raw Banana - 2
Green Tomato - 1
Raw Mango - 1
Green Chillies  - 3
Curd - 1/4 cup
Salt - to taste
Curry leaves
Coconut oil - 3 - 4  table spoons
Tumeric - 1/2 teaspoon

To grind coarsely

1/2 -3/4 of a coconut grated
Jeera - 1/2 teaspoon
Shallots  - 3-4

1. Boil all the vegetables ( including the green chillies ) except for drumstick in a pot. Add turmeric . Cook the drumstick separately. We cook the drumstick separately so that it doesnt get overcooked with the other vegetables
2. Add the needed salt. Bring all the vegetables together.( Add the cooked drumsticks to the other pot with the cooked vegetables.)
3. Add the ground coconut mixture to the cooked vegetables. Add the curd. Check salt.
4. Add the coconut oil and curry leaves.

Enjoy it with rice or chappathis !!!!

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